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Curriculum Vitae

I am currently the Director of Bioengineering at the Joe Gibbs Human Performance Institute. Below you can find more details on my career.



Fellowships and Grants

Invited Lectures and Workshops

Outreach and Service



And More


Stanford University

Postdoctoral Scholar in Bioengineering (2022-2023)

Advisors: Scott Delp and Alia Crum

Ph.D. Bioengineering (2016-2022)

Committee: Scott Delp, Alia Crum, Nicholas Giori

M.S. Bioengineering (2016-2018)

University of Akron

B.S. Biomedical Engineering (2011-2015)

Advisor: Brian Davis

Industry Experience

Joe Gibbs Human Performance Institute

Director of Bioengineering (2023-Present)

Heads JGHPI’s human performance research vision and cross-disciplinary scientific endeavors.


Specialized Bicycle Components

Strategic Advisor and Team Lead (2023)

Led a team of engineers through the ideation and development of an algorithm and application for at-home bike fitting via a 2D video.

Kaia Health

Engineering Consultant for Therapy Delivery Team (2020-2022)

Improved user experience through refinement of user interaction with Motion CoachTM AI algorithm for real-time motion tracking.

Toyota Technical Center

Crash Safety CAE Engineer Co-op

Performed finite element analysis to predict vehicle deformation modes and developed safety countermeasures with vehicle implementation. Performed safety research for the Collaborative Safety Research Center projects.


Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab and Mind and Body Lab, Stanford University

Postdoctoral Scholar (2022-2023)

Lead a clinical trial on a digital mindset and exercise intervention for improving pain and exercise adherence in individuals with knee osteoarthritis.

Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab, Stanford University

Graduate Research Assistant (2017-2022)

Thesis work: Digital tools to enable large-scale access to biomechanical assessment.

Presentation | Thesis

Camarillo Lab, Stanford University

Graduate Research Assistant (2016)

Built finite element models to study the effect of brain size on traumatic brain injury.

Blast Impact Survivability Research Unit, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Research Assistant (2016)

Designed experimental fixtures to test dynamic penetration of biological materials.

Center for Injury Biomechanics, Virginia Tech - Wake Forest

Undergraduate Research Assistant (2015)

Built and improved biofidelity of human body models to analyze injury in crash simulations.

Biomechanical Interfaces Lab

Undergraduate Research Assistant (2012-2015)

Modeled knee mechanics and patient-specific knee implants with 3D computational models.

Publications and Talks

Journal Publications
  1. Boswell MA* and Kidziński Ł*, Hicks JL, Uhlrich SD, Falisse A, and Delp SL. 2023. Smartphone videos of the sit-to-stand test predict osteoarthritis and other clinical health measures. npj Digital Medicine 6(32). *Authors contributed equally.

  2. Hicks J* and Boswell MA*, Althoff T, Crum AJ, Ku JP, Landay JA, Moya PML, Murnane EL, Snyder MP, King AC, and Delp SL. 2023. Leveraging digital technology for scalable public health promotion: An interdisciplinary perspective. Annual Review of Public Health 44. *Authors contributed equally. 

  3. Boswell MA, Hicks JL, Evans KM, Zion SR, Boles DB, Delp SL, and Crum AJ. 2022. Rethinking Osteoarthritis: Development and Pilot Testing of a Digital Self-Paced Intervention to Improve Mindsets about Exercise in Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis. In prep.

  4. Boswell MA, Evans KM, Zion SR, Boles DB, Hicks JL, Delp SL, and Crum AJ. 2022. Mindsets predict physical activity levels for people with knee osteoarthritis. Annals of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 65(6): 101634.

  5. Boswell MA* and Uhlrich SD*, Kidziński Ł, Thomas K, Kolesar JA, Gold GE, Beaupre GS, and Delp SL. 2021. A neural network to predict the knee adduction moment in patients with osteoarthritis using anatomical landmarks obtainable from 2D video analysis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 29(3): 346-356. *Authors contributed equally.

  6. Pincheira PA* and Boswell MA*, Franchi MV, Delp SL, and Lichtwark GA. 2022. Biceps femoris long head sarcomere and fascicle length adaptations after 3 weeks of eccentric exercise training. Journal of sport and health science 11(1): 43-49. *Authors contributed equally.

  7. Uhlrich S, Kolesar J, Kidziński Ł, Boswell MA, Silder A, Gold GE, Delp SL, and Beaupre GS. 2022. Personalization improves the biomechanical efficacy of foot progression angle modifications in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Biomechanics. 114 (111312).

  8. Zion S, Zaleta AK, Boswell MA, Heathcote LC, Dweck CS, and Crum AJ. 2022. Illness Mindsets in Health and Disease: Development & Validation of the Illness Mindset Inventory (IMI). Health Psychology. Under review.

  9. Berki V, Boswell MA, Ciltea D, Guseila LM, Goss L, Barnes S, Berme N, McMillan GR, and Davis B. 2015. Expanded butterfly plots: A new method to analyze simultaneous pressure and shear on the plantar skin surface during gait.  Journal of Biomechanics 48(10): 2214-2216. 

Conference Talks
  1. Boswell MA, Kidziński Ł*, Hicks JL, Uhlrich SD, Falisse A, and Delp SL. Kinematics from at-home smartphone videos of sit-to-stand tests relate to clinically relevant health information: a self-guided nationwide biomechanics study. 2022. 9th World Congress on Biomechanics. 

  2. Boswell MA, and Miranda P*, Franchi M, Delp S, and Lichtwark G. Fascicle length increases after 3 weeks of eccentric exercise training due to sarcomere lengthening. ISB 2019 Congress XXVIII. *Authors contributed equally. 

  3. Boswell MA, Evans KM, Zion SR, Boles DB, Hicks JL, Delp SL, and Crum AJ. Mindsets predict physical activity and management strategies in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. OARSI 2021 World Congress. 

  4. Boswell MA, Evans KM, Zion SR, Boles DB, Hicks JL, Delp SL, and Crum AJ. Mindsets are related to reductions in pain after a gait modification intervention for people with osteoarthritis. 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. 2019.

  5. Boswell MA, Uhlrich SD, Thomas K, Kolesar JA, Gold GE, Beaupre GS, and Delp SL. An artificial neural network predicts knee loading using 3D marker trajectories of anatomical landmarks. ISB 2019 Congress XXVII. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 2019.

Conference Poster Presentations
  1. Song A, Boswell MA, Hicks JL, and Delp SL. Identifying concerns of young adults with osteoarthritis on reddit. OARSI 2021 World Congress.

  2. Boswell MA, Zion SR, Hicks JL, Delp SL, and Crum AJ. Mindsets are related to reductions in pain after a gait modification intervention for people with osteoarthritis. NIH Rehabilitation Research 2020: Envisioning a Functional Future. 2020.

  3. Boswell MA* O’Day J*, Hamill J, and Delp SL. Biomechanics On Our Minds (BOOM): Learnings from a biomechanics podcast. 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. 2019. *Authors contributed equally.

  4. Boswell MA, Laksari K., and Camarillo D.  The Effect of Brain Size on Inducing Traumatic Brain Injury. ISB 2017 Congress XXVI. Brisbane, QLD, Australia. 2017.

  5. Boswell MA, Davis B, Kelly M, Elias J, and Filipkowski D.  Determining a Relationship between Femoral Condyle Geometry and ACL Length. Biomedical Engineering Society National Conference. 2015.

  6. Boswell MA, Koya B, and Gayzik F. Implementation and Validation of Discrete Neck Musculature in a Simplified Human Body Model. Biomedical Engineering Society National Conference.  2015.

  7. Boswell MA and Davis B. Patient Specific Knee Implants. ASAIOfyi - for young innovators 3rd Annual Student Design Competition. 2015.

  8. Boswell MA, Davis B, Kelly M, Filipkowski D, and Elias J. Relating femoral condyle geometry to ACL length. Midwest Biomedical Engineering Career Conference (MBECC). 2014.

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